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Bachelor of Arts degree
University of the Fraser Valley - Abbotsford Abbotsford , British Columbia
  • Duration: 8 Semester
  • Degree Name: Bachelor of Arts degree
  • Discipline Arts and Humanities
  • Program Level: Degree
Available Intakes
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Special Admission Requirements
  • Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6 , Min Writing: 6 , Min Listening: 6 , Min Speaking: 6 )

A UFV Bachelor of Arts (BA) will equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to be reflective, articulate, and informed citizens within the Fraser Valley and beyond. To ensure their success in the fast-changing economy of the twenty-first century, the College of Arts offers skills, learning, and engagement in communication, critical thinking, quantitative literacy, scientific literacy, and personal and social responsibility, as well as deep learning in a range of majors, extended minors, and minors. Through completion of an ePortfolio, students learn to reflect on, integrate, and communicate their learning, helping them to achieve their goals.

Description Sub Total
Avg Application Fee $150
Avg Cost of Tuition/Year $17850
Avg Yearly Cost of Living $12000
Estimated Other school expenses and fees $0
Estimated Total/Year $30000.00
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